Unlike other gambling games, poker involves bluffing. This means that you only place money into the pot when you believe you are making a bluff.
There are two decks of cards. The 52-card English deck is usually used for Texas Hold’em. The deck is divided into two sections, with one section for the main pot and another for the side pot.
Each player is dealt seven cards. The first three are face down. The remainder are dealt face up. Depending on the game, the deck may be cut or shuffled. This cuts down on the number of cards a player can see.
After each round, players show their hands and collect the pot. If the player does not have the hand they want, they can fold. Likewise, if the player raises the stake, other players must call. This continues until all players have folded or there are no more callers.
When a tie occurs, the high card breaks the tie. A “backdoor flush” is a flush that is created by hitting a needed card on the turn or river.
After the final round of betting, the winning hand takes the pot. If there are more than one hand in contention, the pot is split equally among all remaining players.
The “JJ+” designation refers to pocket pairs and Jacks. The player can choose a combination of these pocket pairs above the button.
There are several poker variants. The main difference between these games is how cards are dealt. Some games use board cards, while others use cards that are mixed with the deck.